
Academically, CAPA's students are constantly challenged to learn new and exciting things about whatever course they are taking. The teachers successfully attempt to develop a relaxed, yet, action-packed environment in their classrooms to keep their students alert. They also give their students various tips that will help them prepare for college.

In these classes, students are exposed to various forms of literature that will not only expand their knowledge and interests, but also will help them to become a critical and thorough reader. Also, students who learn to enjoy and appreciate literature will carry it into their homes and elsewhere. Aside from teaching their students the sophisticated Shakespearean language, archaic mythology, and other forms of literature, English teachers also instruct them in writing effective essays that reflect on these literary works.

The students are brought to a level of understanding using biological and chemical interactions that are included in everyday life. The teachers in the science department aid in developing the student's abilities to explore their environment in a scientific manner. By using a number of resources and skills, the students will be able to frame and defend their opinions.

Computer Sciences
Students will write and publish their work on different Macintosh programs. They will learn the use of professional desktop publishing software in Adobe Page Maker, along with drawing, painting, spreadsheet, and database usage in Apple Works. The internet will be used for research and enrichment. The students will learn logical thinking and decision making skills, and will design and compose their own web pages.

Social Studies
The underlying goal of social studies education is to prepare students to be intelligent citizens of an increasingly complex world. The study of history should develop the students' appreciation for our historic past to be able to deal with the issues of the present.

To comprehend the increasingly complex world around us, mathematics teachers guide students to use problem solving strategies, technology, cooperative learning groups, reasoning, and communication. Their goal is to give students the tools to make sense of the information overload and the difficult challenges of the 21st century, thereby empowering them to "make a difference."

This course introduces students to basic Spanish & Italian conversation. Included in the teaching of this course are the following: introduction to functional vocabulary and idioms, grammatical structure, reading in the language, and of course, the cultures.

Health & Physical Education
The goals for this course are to provide students with instruction in a variety of forms such as personal safety, dance, gymnastics, and team sports. It is also made for students to learn how to assess, improve, and maintain physical fitness through participation in regular physical activity. In addition, students receive health projects made to help expand their horizons.

This course teaches about the arts in a historical context. Students will trace the development of the arts in early society and attend operas. They will learn more about how CAPA moved to the historical Ridgeway Library as well as learn about visual arts, dance, and literature.