CAPA Major with official logo on back Hoodies
New CAPA logo on front Zip Up Hoodies
Caribiner Key Chains
Word of the Day
Upcoming Shows
Upcoming Events
Winter Issue
Editor's Note- "I used to think that the measurements my mom would mark on the basement wall above my head measured who I was, measured my capability, and when I stopped growing I was devastated. Height, I thought..."
Price: $20.00
Price: $20.00
Price: $3.00 or 2 for $5.00
Unbiquitous- Being everywhere at the same time
Tuesday 04/24 - 04/29/2003- All City Concert, please contact Mr. Timothy Cormier or Mrs. Dorina Morrow for more information.
Tuesday, 04/29/2003- Day of Remembrance is tommorrow, please wear a paperclip to support equality.
The new GERSHWIN musical comedy - Crazy for You
Out Now!