Home & School

CAPA Home and School Association

Home and School Officers
Karen D'Amore
Lisa Bidey
Zemoria Brandon
Carlos Santiago
Vivian McIver
Mimi Garbinkski
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
Corresponding Secretary
Departmental Chairpersons
Lloyd Collins
Patti Giordano
Mimi Garbinski
Susan Harrity
Bonnie Blessings
Glenavie Norton
Creative Writing
Visual Arts

The CAPA Home and School Association is a growing group of parents with a common goal of enhancing the educational experience of our students. These dedicated members set their sights on promoting harmony among teachers, students, parents and staff, while earning money to help school causes in particular the Senior Scholarship Fund. While sponsoring several fund raising events such as concession sales at various CAPA performances, QSP magazine drive, Spring Auction, and Fall Candle Sale, the Association also publishes the Triumph, a newsletter promoting school activities and accomplishments. The workers are proud of their efforts and invite all to come and enjoy our challenges.

Home and School Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month.
7PM to 9PM

This year they will be held on:

October 02, 2002
November 06, 2002
December 4, 2002
February 05, 2003
March 5, 2003
May 7, 2003

We look forward to seeing you!